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And We’re Just Getting Started.

Impact is embedded in every SDS Capital Group investment– it is in our DNA. For the last 20 years, SDS has been a pioneer and leader in the field of impact investing. Today, our $1 billion+ portfolio of impact investments–in six different funds and products–serves as a testament not only to our dedication, but also to the growing promise of impact investing.

Impact is in our DNA


Average poverty rate of communities in which SDS invests


Average % of minorities residing in urban communities in which SDS invests


Affordable, workforce & permanent supportive housing units financed


Jobs created


Investments in rural communities creating 3,081 jobs

Where We’ve Invested


“I want to thank, of course, the people that are making this possible to provide the capital and to provide the building and also those that are going to take care of the homeless folk as they transition into housing…
it really hurts us to think of these poor families, poor children hungry.”

Dolores Huerta
American Labor Leader & Civil Rights Activist

“The South Dallas project aligns perfectly with the company’s focus and partnership with American South Real Estate Fund because it will bring “lasting change,” to an area in need of economic development.”

Emmitt Smith Chairman, E Smith Advisors;
NFL Hall of Fame Player and Philanthropist

A New Era.
The Future of
Business is Impact

Leading the Way for the Next 20 Years

We believe impact is the future of investing. Industry leaders
weigh in on impact investing in the articles below:

JUST Capital’s 2021 Americans’
Views on Business Survey

“Americans agree that companies should aim to do more good by focusing on their stakeholders’ long-term interests and taking responsibility for their impact on the wider world.”

The Future Of Global
Impact Investing

Industry leaders weigh in on the future of impact investing and trends they’ve observed.

The Next 10 Years
of Impact Investment

“Generating financial returns alongside progress on social and environmental issues has always been difficult, and impact investors will face even more accountability with the increasing rigor and scope of verification tools. The risk is worth the reward.”

“Conscious Capitalism”
Companies Perform 10x Better

“The most conscious companies give more, and they get more in return. The inescapable conclusion: it pays to care, widely and deeply.”

As pioneers in impact investing, our driving force has been to fund projects in the most impoverished parts of our country. Over the past 20 years, our investments have transformed local economies and improved the lives and futures of countless individuals.

Deborah La Franchi, Founder & CEO, SDS Capital Group

Our Partners

From developers and co-fund managers to capital investors, our visionary partners make it
possible for us to successfully operate cutting-edge impact funds that meet pressing social needs.

the Impossible

90 Total SDS
Impact Investments

Every investment benefits low-income
communities and people. Reporting on measurable impact is core to our platform.

$3.1 Billion
Total Project Costs

40 Different Institutional investors;
$798 million of direct SDS investment;
well established systems and strategies.

47 Investors across
Multiple Sectors

Including banks, pension funds, foundations, family offices, insurance and healthcare.

$860 Million of
Direct SDS Investment

Catalyzing economic opportunity in the most economically distressed communities across the country.

Here’s to the Next 20!

Join us as we create New Opportunities.
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