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SDS Supportive Housing Fund

A Trailblazing Approach using Private Equity to Finance Housing for those Suffering from Homelessness.

Mission & Investment Focus

The SDS Supportive Housing Fund (SHF or Fund) creates a new path to finance high-quality and cost-effective housing for Californians suffering from homelessness. This new path centers on financing permanent supportive housing (PSH) using an innovative, scalable financial model. The Fund is only possible due to our investors who share our goal of supporting a cost-effective solution to reducing homelessness. The SDS SHF complements the wide range of existing public, nonprofit, and private-sector efforts all striving to achieve that goal of reducing homelessness.


To provide each of the projected future tenants with on-site case management support to rebuild their lives.


To rely on the Fund’s private-sector equity as the sole source of capital (beyond developer equity) for each apartment community. This single-source approach creates substantial efficiencies, saving a great deal of time and expense.


To finance the construction of high-quality one-bedroom apartments at a per-unit cost low enough to eliminate the need to use taxpayer dollars for land acquisition or construction costs.


To serve as a catalyst for community revitalization. The aesthetically appealing, community-centric buildings will benefit the surrounding communities and, in many cases, provide ground-level healthy food options or health services to the community.

“Reversing homelessness requires an aggressive campaign by the public-, private-, and nonprofit-sectors. The SDS Supportive Housing Fund is a new ‘tool’ in the growing ‘toolbox’ of approaches. The future tenants will have a dignified home – the type of home we each deserve – along with critical support services to rebuild their lives.”
Deborah La Franchi,
President & CEO, SDS Capital Group

SDS Supportive Housing Latest News

The Challenge


Californians experiencing homelessness1

0 %

Percentage of nation’s unsheltered homeless population who live in CA2

0 %

CA’s homeless population who are unsheltered3

0 %

Increase in homelessness in LA County since 20154

0 +

Angelenos experiencing homelessness in LA County5

The Solution: A Holistic Model

The SDS Supportive Housing Fund seeks to finance safe, high-quality housing for individuals experiencing homelessness.

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PSH Units

Are anticipated to be financed by the Fund’s $190 million of capital.

0 %

Percentage of Project Cost

Beyond the developer’s equity in each investment, the Fund provides 100% of the remaining financing needed for the land, development, and construction costs


Amount of Taxpayer Subsidy

There are no taxpayer subsidies or grants used for acquisition or construction costs

SDS Supportive Housing Fund (SHF) Key Components


The Fund is the sole source of financing needed by the developer – beyond the developer’s own equity. No other capital sources – including tax credits or other subsidies – are needed to fund the construction of these apartment communities. This single-source capital approach requires only one standard pre-negotiated agreement that is used for every investment. This eliminates years of securing, negotiating, and documenting the 7-12 capital sources typically needed to finance PSH developments.


As the hub of this PSH model, RMG serves as the developer and long-term owner of each apartment community. Some sites are purchased outright by RMG, while others have community-based churches or other land partners. RMG drew upon $2 billion of real estate development experience to develop this PSH model. Their efficient and effective process allows for construction of high-quality PSH units in significantly less time at a substantially lower cost. The SDS Supportive Housing Fund is helping RMG scale this innovative model.


Each apartment community will have full-time case managers with on-site office space. Each case manager will be responsible for supporting 20 tenants and one will also live on-site rent-free.
